Disfruta de Video 2K en Spotlight Cam Pro y Floodlight Cam Pro a partir de enero 2025

Protect Your Home
From Water

Simply place the Sensor on the floor near a water source, and you’ll get alerts when water is detected or when the temperature drops below 40°F, so you can stay ahead of water damage.

  • Requires the Ring Alarm Security Kit
  • Sends alerts to your phone and tablet
  • Place near sinks, bathtubs, showers, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters, water coolers, toilets, basements and any other sources of potential leaks.

Tech Specs


3V Lithium Battery Included

Battery Life

~3 Years

Operating Conditions

32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)


2.95 in. Diameter; 1.06 in. Height (7.5 cm. Diameter; 2.7 cm. Height)


Z-Wave (250-foot range to Base Station)

Setup Requirements

Ring Alarm Kit


1 year limited warranty